Neil Prem MCLC, P.O. Box 5912, Chelmsford CM1 2FH England
t: 0845 057 30 90 e:

  Welcome to directions for life  

Neil Prem's talent as an intuitive listener, inspiring mentor, and encouraging coach has motivated me to press higher and reach farther. His exercises and profound questioning approach has stirred up hidden talents that were buried beneath my unproductive busy-ness. As a coach, Neil's method is refreshing, his style is supportive, and his influence is life changing. 

I wholeheartedly recommend Neil as a coach and motivator. 

Leslie Rowe, copywriter
Sarasota, Florida, USA  more...
How to design your destiny

The Top 10 Ways to Design Your Destiny 

1. Decide you can do it. 
You already are. Every decision you make every day makes YOU! 
Awaken to this and drive your destiny. 
2. Energise your desires. 
And be energised by them. Your desires allied with your decisions make miracles happen. 
3. Follow your intuition. 
Let your intuition surprise you, and lead you in some unexpected directions as you...  more...
About Neil Prem

Neil Prem is founder and senior coach for Directions For Life

His mission in life is to "Create World Changers." He is passionate about people and their unbelievable potential. 

He longs to see people become all that they can be through finding the work they love, overcoming all the obstacles that stand in their way and through learning principles of success. He has a personal vision to see over 10,000 people make a difference through discovering their life's direction and purpose.  more...
Dont let that be you

So many people are waking up each day to find out that what they have been living for is not what they want!

Each year we are all working harder and longer and getting less, much less. Stress, divorce, debt and deteriorating health. All signs of an unhappy life.

No one on their deathbed wished they had spent more time in the office. Most people at the end of their lives have more regrets about what they didn't do, than for the things they did. 

They wish that they had climbed more mountains, swam in more seas and taken more risks. More than anything they wish they had followed their heart and lived their dreams. Eternity is a long time to have regrets.  more...
Neil Prem's talent as an intuitive listener, inspiring mentor, and encouraging coach has motivated me to press higher and reach farther. His exercises and profound questioning approach has stirred up hidden talents that were buried beneath my unproductive busy-ness. As a coach, Neil's method is refreshing, his style is supportive, and his influence is life changing. I wholeheartedly recommend Neil as a coach and motivator. 

Leslie Rowe, copywriter | Sarasota, Florida, USA
"I feel very privileged to know and to work with Neil Prem. He excels as a communicator and a leader. Neil is refreshing, honest, challenging and humorous. 
I have worked with him in England, Poland, and India and have been blessed by his leadership ability." 
Jim Inkster, Founder & Director
CGI Leadership Institute

"Neil's work has transformed the lives of our people. We love and trust him"
Stasis Dekowska, Founder
House of Victory, Torun, Poland

"Neil Prem is a regular speaker to Christian Growth Centre, and one who is highly valued for the depth of his input into the lives of his hearers. 

His open and transparent communication is profoundly effective as he draws his hearers with him on a journey, which leads to that most personal of victories, the discovery of self. 

Neil's high adventure style of delivery puts him, in my opinion, in the very upper echelon of motivational speakers…. A fantastic communicator!"
Rev. Bev Murill, Pastor. 
Chelmsford Christian Growth Centre
"I don't think I can adequately express my thanks to Neil for our sessions together. They have been eye opening and inspirational to say the least. His material will grow and become big. It's excellent stuff. I just want to say thanks to him for allowing me to experience it.

After our final session I felt so energised by all I'd discovered. I went around the house doing a number of jobs, which I'd been putting off doing! I found my time with him and the use of his materials&
to be inspirational and thought provoking. It was an enormous privilege to begin to understand what God had, uniquely, given to me and to realise my giftings and abilities as well as discover the things, which I allow to hold me back. 

Neil has developed a process, which, quite incisively, allows one to discover the treasure within. I think this is a vital process for all those wanting to know how to function in the world in which God has placed them."

Fi Ivin
Image Consultant
We were seeking direction in our lives but had come to a standstill. Neil inspired us to keep pressing into the plans we felt God had spoken for us. Neil provided us with practical steps and a framework to begin to help clarify our vision. We implemented the things Neil spoke of and now we are walking in a new direction. We are so grateful for his guidance and excellent advice.

Ian & Nicky McKee
Ministers, Northern Ireland
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